Kelly E Marra
Instructional Design
I am a professional artist and instructional designer who utilizes my expertise in design to create eye catching technological tools for instruction. I have enjoyed being an entrepreneur and understand the art of sales, marketing and SEO. When you want to create beautiful instructional courses or tools that will grab your audience's attention, I'd love to work on that with you.

JD is Going to Kindergarten Website
This website was the final project for LTEC 5220 - Multimedia in Technology Applications at UNT. The objective was to create a website that had a focus on multimedia elements for learning. I made this website for my nephew who has Wagner Syndrome and has lost vision in one of his eyes. The choices of color, contrast and font sizes consider his accessibility and the media made and chosen is for pre-kindergarten age children. I produced and recorded a theme song to a Doodly video that I made, and used a green screen and gloves to produce a puppet element within the intro video. I produced 2 videos about counting with my children, JD's cousins. As you can see in the image, he liked the website and other children have utilized it to prepare for kindergarten.
Art Inspiration and More Website
This project was a final website for UNT LTEC 5200. The task was to research a subject, complete a literature review, and design a website to present the information. I chose to create an online art community and incorporate a blog, forum and member page. This was one of my favorite designs, and I am looking forward to adding more to it and to the coordinating Instagram account.
This project was for a Learning Technologies course at UNT. The task was to provide helpful tips for Learner-Centered Online Learning. I produced this video using Doodly. So far this video has been viewed over 400 times on my YouTube channel.
Intro to Minerals Prezi Presentation - This Prezi Presentation was for a Learning Technologies course at UNT. The task was to create a quick lesson for a blog post. After performing a literature review, this intro was inspired by an article on a creative arts/mineral activity. I created this slideshow with Prezi and used it as a blog post in one of my final website projects.
Qualitative Research Infographic - This was made with Piktochart for UNT LTEC 5610. The task was to create an infographic for qualitative research that defined it but also pointed out the differences between Qualitative and Quantitative research.
This interactive infographic includes a video.
This is a Research Article Critique from UNT LTEC 5610.
Excerpt -
"Purpose/Research Problem
The purpose of this study by Valadez et al. (2020) is stated clearly "to know and compare" the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and resulting confinement on the "emotions and reactions" of "children and adolescents with high abilities and community samples" (p.1). By studying the effects of the pandemic on these groups, the researchers would like to understand how "educational intervention" can be used in the future to benefit students during similar events (Valadez et al., 2020, p.1)."
Kelly E. Collins Marra
The title of this research paper, written for UNT LTEC 5030, is:
The Future of Art History in Higher Education with Immersive Technology:
Experiencing Ancient Architecture, Objects and Culture like Never Before
Kelly E. Collins Marra