A couple of years ago, I started a journey to finish my degree. With three kids at home, I started slowly at first with one class, then two, and I returned as a full time student last year. What fabulous timing with the new art building opening at the University of North Texas College of Visual Arts and Design, or, UNT CVAD. My focus is Drawing and Painting.

I love drawing from a live model! I had really missed that. Studying the human form, which we are so familiar with, trains your eye like nothing else. Working with charcoal and white conte to capture the models quick poses on the example above was invigorating!

The jewelry designer in me loves when the model wears jewelry. It is also fun to add fellow artists into the composition.

Sometimes the professor would give us a challenge to fit the model's poses into one composition, and other times, the model would pose for a long session, with breaks. It is always amazing to me that they can get back into the same position. When the class started, everything else melted away, and I was completely focused. I could do this every day and be very happy.